livbullpen's Journal, 05 Aug 20

TW: Eating Disorder
~ I need some recommendations... Whenever i get into the mindset of wanting to restrict again (the lowest I've restricted was ~100-350 calories in a day, while running 55 miles a week + some lifting when i had energy to get out of bed, and i did that for about 3 weeks), whenever i feel like restricting I ALWAYS seem to watch food videos, and then my recommended on YouTube completely fills with binge eating logs and diaries + a bunch of korean idols and their showstopper bodies. Im not in that mindset right now but was curious to see what you guys do to deflect those feelings. I have big goals which i remind myself about, like my goal to weigh 130 (gain 12 pounds of muscle). Eating more feels like it's affected my running a bit, but it might also be the scorching heat LOL

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would watching shows that celebrate the creativity of cooking instead of the other food videos help? I find top chef and guys grocery games fun and mindless and I don't think you'll get the same ads retargeted  
05 Aug 20 by member: s443
If you run, don't restrict like that, or at all. You don't need to. It's insane. Runners just drop weight. Look at your height and muscle mass. Or just look at your weight, BMI, and height. I think you already know all of this. It's a control thing. I get it. Stop relying on Mukbangs. That's just nuts. It's so easy. This web platform counts even resting/sleeping calories for you. Calorie counting, especially for running, is done for you. Look, just loosely journal what you eat. I mean, loosely. But you're an anorexic, so try to be kind to yourself. Nourish yourself as much as possible. I mean, eat a two to three egg omelet (even just whites) with veggies. Do it the night before or the day before. I've been a long distance runner for years, and that type of calorie restriction will definitely lead to broken bones and tears. Especially, if you are in your late 30's to 40's. You're looking at hip replacements and broken foot bones. I've already done it. It's not worth it. I get great immense satisfaction from using the step climber (manual) is slow torture. Like hill work as a's grueling. However, to me, I keep increasing the time. It's tough!!! I am working my way to 30 minutes on the stair stepper. Right after I get on the Arc Trainer or ellipse or the air climber for 20 to 30 minutes. Variety challenges me. After all of that I absolutely love walking on the treadmill at 7.0 hill and 3.3 speed for 10-30 minutes depending on my energy. It's not running, obviously, but with the limited calories, it's what I can manage and I get fat loss results. Also, do weights or push ups and core (planks with weights and leg lifts with weighted medicine balls).  
05 Aug 20 by member: Good Gracious Curvaceous
Put something fun on and dance 💃🏻 body positivity mantras/affirmations on the mirror (write ahead of time) - read an awesome ED book - hot shower - journal - I didn’t watch tv when I was really in my ED bc of ads I got triggered constantly 
05 Aug 20 by member: KayBuckaroo
I used to restrict myself a lot (I still do until now but not as bad as before), what I did was trying to change my eating habits instead of restricting. I weight myself daily, check what I eat (I make sure to get enough protein everyday to build muscles), drink lots of water (it helps with cravings), and eat healthier food (veggies, eggs, lean meats, fishes, fruits, etc). The thing with restricting yourself is you crave more for food. Healthy food is more fulfilling, last longer in your tummy but less calories. I also drink a cup of water before I eat, a cup while I eat, and a cup after I finished eating.  
06 Aug 20 by member: fridanantya
Ditto what bigboned said. 💜💜 
06 Aug 20 by member: Diana 1234
When it comes to an eating disorder, I can not stress enough talking to a professional to learn some new coping mechanisms and to reset your relationship with food and your body. I don't restrict in ways that are unhealthy anymore and I do focus on eating whole and unprocessed, foods. Everything Big Boned But Toned and Fridanantya are exactly spot on. I wish you the best in your journey.  
06 Aug 20 by member: atriel2


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